Sunday, 11 February 2007

Other grass artists

Interesting what you say Nalda about the greaer freedom of form that you've developed with the fodder stitching, as in the skull. I wonder how you'd compare it with two other fibre artists that you are close to.

Kate Campbell-Pope 5.jpgFirst, there's Kaye Campbell-Pope, who has that wonderful 'body' of work that renders internal body organs into grass. Here method seems quite delicate and exact, evoking medical technology. That makes the contrast with the raw material all the more striking.

Joyce Winsley.JPGAnd then there's the charming figures by Joyce Winsley, who worked closely with both you and Kate. Her grass stitching seemed to make possible quite lively figures, that emerge quite golem like from the earth.

I'm sure they have both learned much from you, but have you studied the techniques from these artists and learnt from them. As far as I know, there aren't artists in any other countries making this kind of work. That's quite remarkable, don't you think? We are so often in the position of having to catch up with the technical knowledge forged elsewhere.

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